Hidden Gems #3 - Skull


Upon first glance, we initially found this game to be somewhat mysterious. The game itself only consists of a bunch of tiles with (beautifully designed) flowers and skulls on them. But the designs themselves draw you in and make you want to know what the game is about. 

And yet despite its apparent simplicity, this game is all about tactics and bluffing. As with many great games, Skull relies on the intuition, cunning, and skill of the players to propel each game to greatness. 

We want to discuss what makes this game so good and why we believe it deserves more recognition. 


Why we love it

Skull is addictive - it's as simple as that! But why does it have such a draw on us? (Seriously, we love this game!)
Skull is easy to learn, compact, and has basically no set-up or pack-up time, so its ideal for pretty much any situation or occasion. The concept of the game is akin to the Rummy dice game in that it's all about the bluffs and double-bluffs. Oh, and did we mention the triple-bluffs? Essentially, the 'difficulty level' depends entirely on how good you and your friends are at bluffing. Think you know your mates' poker faces, or are they trying to catch you out?
We've got to quickly mention the artwork too - it is stunning! It is easy to glance at the cards and actually miss the detail and thought that has one into each design. It sort of has a Spanish feel to it...

In conclusion

Skull is an all-rounder - anyone can play, but only one can win! This game is always an instant hit whenever we introduce it to our friends. We hope you have enjoyed this shirt blog, and as always, thank you for reading this far! 

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